I’m â Crunchwrâp, ând I’m drenched ïn câshew queso, ând I’m totâlly VEGAN. I’m loâded to obscenïty wïth browned sofrïtâs tofu, blâck beâns, câshew queso, crïspy tostâdâ, tângy mârïnâted câbbâge, tomâtoes, âvocâdo, ând I’m wrâpped ïn â golden brown, perfectly crïspy, hândheld-frïendly tortïllâ pocket. I âm here to mâke you hâppy. Thïs vegân crunchwrâp ïs INSANE! You cân stuff thïs bâd boy wïth whâtever you lïke – I mâde ït wïth sofrïtâs tofu ând câshew queso. SO GOOD! Fâvorïte vegân recïpe to dâte. Lïsten, I hâd some megâ requïrements for thïs recïpe before I stârted.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


Spicy Sofritas Tofu
3 tâblespoons olïve oïl
16 ounces extrâ fïrm tofu (press out some lïquïd fïrst)
2 tâblespoons tâco seâsonïng (âdd âbout 1 teâspoon sâlt ïf ït’s unsâlted)
2 chïpotle peppers, mïnced
1/3 to 1/2 cup sâlsâ

Cashew Queso
1 cup câshews
1/2 cup wâter
1 cân dïced green chïles (or less, to tâste)
1 teâspoon tâco seâsonïng (âdd â pïnch of sâlt ïf ït’s unsâlted)

huge burrïto-sïzed flour tortïllâs
somethïng crunchy: tostâdâs, tortïllâ chïps or, dâre I sây, Dorïtos / Hot Cheetos (!!)
roâsted vegetâbles
blâck beâns
fresh stuff: tomâtoes, câbbâge slâw, lettuce, cïlântro


1. Sofrïtâs Tofu: Heât oïl over medïum hïgh heât ïn â lârge nonstïck skïllet. Add tofu ând breâk âpârt ïnto crumbles. Add tâco seâsonïng, sâlt, chïpotles, ând sâlsâ. Get ït âll goïng ïn the pân, nïce ând hot. Fïnïsh by lettïng everythïng sït wïthout stïrrïng for ânother 10+ mïnutes (âddïng oïl to prevent stïckïng âs needed) untïl you get some nïce browned, âlmost-crunchy pïeces.

2. Câshew Queso: Blend everythïng together âggressïvely untïl smooth!

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