Caramel Apple Bites

Cookies Recipes
Caramel Apple Bites by ,
Cârâmel âpple bïte âre â sïmple âpproâch to everyone's fâvorïte fâll dessert. Top Trïscuït Crâckers wïth Rïcottâ, Apples ând Cârâmel for sweet pârty bïtes!

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1/3 cup fïnely chopped unpeeled âpple
1/3 cup evâporâted mïlk
1/3 cup sugâr
1/3 cup chopped wâlnuts
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/4 cup confectïoners' sugâr
1/4 cup pâcked brown sugâr
1 lârge egg


1. In â smâll sâucepân, combïne fïllïng ïngredïents. Cook ând stïr over medïum heât untïl thïckened; set âsïde to cool.

2. In â lârge bowl, creâm butter ând sugârs untïl lïght ând fluffy. Beât ïn egg. Beât ïn vânïllâ. Combïne flour ând sâlt. Grâduâlly âdd to creâmed mïxture ând mïx well.

3. Shâpe dough ïnto 1-ïn. bâlls. Flâtten ând plâce 1/4 teâspoon fïllïng ïn center of eâch. Fold dough over fïllïng ând reshâpe ïnto bâlls. Plâce 1 ïn. âpârt on greâsed bâkïng sheets.

4. Bâke ât 350° for 12-15 mïnutes or untïl lïghtly browned. Remove to wïre râcks to cool.

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