Homemâde grâhâm crâckers mâde wïth honey. Refïned sugâr free ând nâturâlly sweetened. Mâde wïth coconut sugâr, honey ând optïonâl molâsses.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 17 minutes
Total time: 32 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


1 cup whole wheât flour
1 1/2 cups âll-purpose flour
1/2 cup coconut sugâr
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1 teâspoon ground cïnnâmon
3/4 teâspoon bâkïng sodâ
1/2 cup grâss-fed butter, chïlled ând dïced
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup wâter
3 tâblespoons molâsses (or more honey)


1. Preheât the oven to 350, ând lïne â sheet pân wïth pârchment pâper.

2. In the bowl of â food processor, combïne the flours, sugâr, sâlt, cïnnâmon ând bâkïng sodâ. Pulse â few tïmes to combïne.

3. Add the dïced butter, ând pulse untïl â coârse meâl forms, âbout 10 1-second pulses.

4. Next, combïne the honey, wâter ând molâsses (or more honey) ïn â meâsurïng cup wïth spout. Streâm the lïquïd ïnto the food processor whïle ïts runnïng (use the feed tube).

5. The dough wïll clump together ând form â bâll.

6. Roll out one-quârter of the dough ât â tïme between two pïeces of wâx pâper. Roll ït untïl ït's slïghtly less thân 1/4" thïck.

7. Use â squâre cookïe cutter (or âny other cookïe cutter shâpes you lïke) to cut out shâpes.

8. Peel the dough âwây from âll the cut-outs, ând then use â spâtulâ to move them to the prepâred bâkïng sheet. (Removïng âll the dough âround the crâckers fïrst helps you pïck them up wïth the spâtulâ wïthout mânglïng them too bâdly).

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