Creâmy chïcken pâstâ wïth bâcon ïs eâsy to mâke weeknïght one pot pâstâ dïsh! Wïth only 30 mïnutes of totâl work, thïs chïcken dïnner recïpe ïs sïmple, fâst ând delïcïous! Full of tender chïcken, spïnâch, tomâtoes, ând bâcon! The DELICIOUS creâmy sâuce permeâtes every sïngle bïte of thïs dïsh!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


6 bâcon strïps
2 tâblespoons olïve oïl
1 pound boneless ând skïnless chïcken (thïck ïn sïze, such âs chïcken breâsts)
sâlt ând pepper
1 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1 tâblespoon butter
3 gârlïc cloves (mïnced)
4 smâll tomâtoes (dïced)
2 cups spïnâch
1 1/2 teâspoon pâprïkâ
1 teâspoon Itâlïân seâsonïng (more, ïf desïred)
1/4 teâspoon crushed red pepper flâkes
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1.5 cup heâvy creâm
1 cup Pârmesân cheese shredded (more for gârnïsh)


1. Add bâcon strïps to the skïllet ând cook untïl crïspy. Trânsfer cooked bâcon to â pâper towel-lïned plâtter thât wïll âbsorb extrâ greâse. Chop ïnto 1 ïnch pïeces

2. CHICKEN: Pâper towel dry the chïcken ând seâson wïth sâlt, pepper ând gârlïc powder. Then set âsïde.

3. Heât olïve oïl ïn â lârge deep skïllet. Add chïcken breâsts ând cook on eâch sïde on medïum hïgh heât for âbout 4 mïnutes per sïde (for â totâl of 8 mïnutes) untïl nïcely browned. If chïcken ïs stïll pïnk ïn the center, reduce heât to medïum ând cook covered for severâl mïnutes untïl no longer pïnk ïn the center. Remove chïcken from pân ând slïce ït.

4. Add butter to the hot pân ând once ït melts, âdd chopped gârlïc ând cook for 1-2 mïnutes untïl frâgrânt.

5. Add tomâtoes ând cook for 3 mïnutes on hïgh untïl tomâtoes releâse theïr juïces. Add fresh spïnâch ând cook untïl ït wïlts.

6. Seâson wïth pâprïkâ, Itâlïân seâsonïng, crushed red pepper flâkes ând sâlt. Mïx.

7. Next âdd heâvy creâm ând brïng the mïxture to boïl. Reduce to sïmmer ând slowly âdd Pârmesân cheese - untïl the cheese melts ând mâkes the sâuce creâmy.

Read More this full recipes at CREAMY CHICKEN PASTA WITH BACON

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